2nd Programmable Nucleases Course – OPEN LECTURES
As part of the CCP programmable nuclease course, the following lectures will be open lectures. Lectures will be held in the main BIOCEV conference hall (Kinosál) Průmyslová 595, Vestec and selected lectures (Live at IMG) will be broadcasted live in the Milan Hašek Auditorium at IMG.
Monday 3rd April
16:15 | Historical perspective – how we came to nucleases Lluis Montoliu (CNB, Spain) |
Lluis Montoliu is a Research Scientist at the National Centre of Biotechnology (CNB-CSIC), Spain and the former President of the International Society for Transgenic Technologies (ISTT).
For more information about his research, please visit wwwuser.cnb.csic.es.
Tuesday 4th April
08:00 | Breaking-Cas, a new guide designing program and CRISPR/Cas function Lluis Montoliu (CNB, Spain) |
Live at IMG* |
16:30 | Tackling complex genome engineering challenges with CRISPR Francis Stewart (BIOTEC, TU Dresden) |
Live at IMG* |
Francis Stewart is the Director of the Biotechnology Center (BIOTEC) of TU Dresden.
For more information about his research, please visit www.biotec.tu-dresden.de.
Wednesday 5th April
08:00 | Repertoire of gene targeting methods in rodents Guillaume Pavlovic and Marie-Christine Birling (PHENOMIN-ICS, Strasbourg) |
Live at IMG |
16:30 | Expanding the Research Applications for CRISPR Guillaume Pavlovic (PHENOMIN-ICS, Strasbourg) |
Guillaume Pavlovic and Marie-Christine Birling are co-organisers of the course and head and associate head (respectively) of the Genetic Engineering and Model Validation department.
For more information about his research, please visit www.ics-mci.fr.
Thursday 6th April
08:30 | Development CRISPR-Cas9 & Cpf1 technology Bernd Zetsche (Broad Institute, USA) |
Live at IMG |
Bernd Zetsche is a graduate student in Prof. Feng Zhang’s group and has first author publications in prestigious journals including Cell and Nature biotechnology.
To view his publications, please visit www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov.
Friday 7th April
08:00 | Genome editing using nucleases: new possibilities and application to reveal gene function in diseases Marie-Christine Birling (PHENOMIN-ICS, Strasbourg) |
Live at IMG |
12:30 | “from genotype to phenotype” Guillaume Pavlovic (PHENOMIN-ICS, Strasbourg) |
Live at IMG |
* Lectures will be broadcasted in the seminar room on the 3rd floor