Online Czech Japanese Innovation Days
The aim of the meeting is to introduce top Czech institutions and companies that excel in innovations and technological development to Japanese partners. The meeting will be held in English. The Czech Centre for Phenogenomics will be introduced in the HealthTech section on Tuesday 25th February 2021 (9:30 – 10:30). Innovation days are an ideal… Read more
IMPC elects a new senior leadership team
The IMPC is pleased to announce the election of a new Senior Leadership Team. Radislav Sedláček is the new Chair of the IMPC, and Yann Herault the new Vice-Chair. Steve Brown, who was the Chair of the IMPC, has stepped down to become the Past Chair. Read the full article at the IMPC website. Read more
Join a press conference on a new antibody against covid-19 with Radislav Sedlacek and Daniel Ruzek today
Czech scientists tested a new antibody against covid-19, which is suitable for prevention and treatment and prevents the virus from mutating. Radislav Sedlacek from CCP and Daniel Ruzicka from the Biology Centre of the Czech Academy of Sciences and the Veterinary Research Institute will answer questions of journalists today (26th January) at 15:00 during a… Read more
Bispecific antibody prevents SARS-CoV-2 escape and protects mice from disease
Researchers from the Czech Centre for Phenogenomics contributed to the paper “Bispecific antibody prevents SARS-CoV-2 escape and protects mice from disease“ Raoul De Gasparo, Mattia Pedotti, Luca Simonelli, Petr Nickl, Frauke Muecksch, Julio C. C. Lorenzi, Federica Mazzola, Davide Magrì, Tereza Michalcikova, Jan Haviernik, Vaclav Honig, Irene Cassaniti, Elena Percivalle, Blanka Mrazkova, Natalie Polakova, Andrea… Read more
Infrafrontier trans-national access call: COVID-19 therapeutics pipeline
Application deadline: EXTENDED 28 Febuary 2021 Application costs: This TA Call is free-of-charge for the selected applicants. Main objective of this INFRAFRONTIER2020 Trans-national Access Call is to provide extensive user support to the selected projects for assessing novel potential vaccine and treatment compounds for COVID-19. As starting material for the TA service, only sufficient amounts of… Read more
Cost-effective generation of mice based on Cre/loxP-system by zygote electroporation of Cre protein
Transgenic Unit of the Czech Centre for Phenogenomics has grown in recent years to offer expanded gene and genome engineering services to researchers by applying the latest cutting-edge technologies such as TALENs, CRISPR/Cas9(Cas12a)-based tools, Easi-CRISPR and others. The introduction of specific mutations by electroporation of zygotes is preferentially used over conventional pronuclear injections and other… Read more
Radislav Sedlacek became the chairman of IMPC
Nineteen research institutions from around the world, including the Czech Republic, joined forces within the IMPC (International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium) to jointly decipher the function of all, approximately 20,000 mammalian (and human), genes. The result is an ever-growing “encyclopaedia” that helps to identify the emergence of human diseases and propose new treatments. Thanks to his… Read more
3rd CCP Phenogenomics Conference
16 – 17 September 2021 / Vestec, Czech Republic The Conference was divided into two blocks. The first day was devoted to the theme “Human diseases and models“. The second day was specifically dedicated to preclinical development, including covid-19, which focused on translation of the basic research into the application. The Conference provided an excellent… Read more
Read our new issue of the Phenogenomics Newsletter
The first issue of Volume 5 (2020) of the Phenogenomics Newsletter has been just released. It features overviews of the services available to researchers and current or potential collaboration partners. Its objective is to highlight recent achievements, introduce new technologies and directions for future development, and allows insights into work and life at the CCP.… Read more
Orbis Pictus Award 2020 to Elizabeth Hillman
The Orbis Pictus 2020 Award, sponsored by the Czech Centre for Phenogenomics, was awarded to Elizabeth M. C. Hillman, one of the most outstanding investigators in the fields of biophotonics and bioengineering. The Orbis Pictus Lecture was presented on the occasion of the 16th Transgenic Technology Meeting (TT2020). Elizabeth M.C. Hillman is a Professor of… Read more