
Czech Centre for Phenogenomics at the Czech Science Fair / České centrum pro fenogenomiku na Veletrhu vědu

13. 05. 2024 Education

30 May –⁠ 1 June 2024, Prague (PVA Letňany), booth/stánek 48 / We are from the Czech Centre for Phenogenomics at the Institute of Molecular Genetics of the CAS, located in the outskirts of Prague in Vestec in the BIOCEV complex. And what exactly does phenogenomics mean and what do we do? Phenogenomics is a field…

Open House at Czech Centre for Phenogemics

12. 10. 2023 Education Event

14 November, CCP, Vestec / We offer an 1-hour excursion to the Czech Centre for Phenogenomics under the topic “Phenotyping as a Tool for Characterizing the Expression of Gene Functions and the Importance of Genetically Modified Mouse Models for Biomedical Research”. Structure of the excursion: Free entry, but registration is obligatory. For more information visit…

Seminar Gene Age – seminář Doba genová

02. 12. 2022 Education Event Lecture

6. prosinec 2022, Praha / S radostí vás zveme na seminář Doba genová.  Akce proběhne 6. prosince od 17:00 v Historické budově Národního muzea na Václavském náměstí (sál 102). Vstup je zdarma. Jak samotný název napovídá, cílem přednášky je představit laické i odborné veřejnosti tato témata:– Funkce genů a jejich podíl na vzniku genetických onemocnění.– Genová…

MicroCT technique for biological applications – seminar invitation

Czech centre for Phenogenomics (CCP) would like to invite you to an educational workshop “MicroCT technique for biological applications” that will be held with cooperation company RMI Lazne Bohdanec. Workshop will focus on application of micro-CT technique for various biological applications. Computed tomography allows nondestructive analysis of inner structure of samples with high resolution. This…

Programing in R: Basics and Graphs – course

This short intensive course is intended for scientists who wish to learn the basics of data manipulation and visualization using the free, powerful programming language R. The course is suitable for those who have no prior knowledge of programming and likewise for those with basic skills in programming. Those who wish to refresh their skills…

Invitation – lecture by Prof Jan-Wilhelm Kornfeld

We would like to invite you to a lecture by Prof Jan-Wilhelm Kornfeld De.Coding Obesity – Control of liver metabolism by long noncoding RNAs The lecture will take place in BIOCEV lecture hall (U2.012) in the main building of BIOCEV in Vestec on June 28 2018 at 15:00. Prof. Kornfeld ( is ERC grantee hosted…

UPDATED! Training Course – Mouse vs Human Comparative Morphology

Mouse vs Human Comparative Morphology: Essentials for accurate interpretation of Precision Medicine models. Important notice from the organizers: the whole course will take place in Prague in September Although human and mouse have similar anatomical complexity, in general, the level of morphological knowledge is lower in mice than in men. Nevertheless, an accurate interpretation of…

MicroCT workshop – March 27, 2018

26. 02. 2018 Course Education Event Lecture

Czech Centre for Phenogenomics and company RMI s.r.o. would like to invite you to an educational workshop „Use of microCT technique for biological applications“ that will be held in Czech Centre for Phenogenomics (CCP) at BIOCEV campus on Tuesday March, 27th 2018. Workshop will focus on getting the participants familiar with the microCT technique (computed…

3rd Programmable nucleases (CRISPR/Cas9) – Transgenesis Course

The course is designed to give practical, hands-on training in current technologies and methods employing programmable nucleases (CRISPR/Cas9) – mediated genome manipulations in the generation of mice mutants. Date: April 16-20, 2018 Place: Prague-Vestec (BIOCEV), Czech Centre for Phenogenomics (hosted by the Institute of Molecular Genetics) Participants will gain theoretical knowledge from our expert instructors…

Workshop Invitation – New innovative technology in rodent body temperature telemetry

08. 12. 2017 Education Event

Workshop – New innovative technology in rodent body temperature telemetry Focus on brown fat metabolism 23rd – 24th January 2018 Partners of INFRAFRONTIER, the European Research Infrastructure for phenotyping and archiving of model mammalian genomes, offer an excellent training opportunity in using innovative technology for rodent body temperature telemetry. The workshop will be hosted by…