
Seminar – Genome editing using programmable nucleases

27. 03. 2014 Event Lecture

We would like to cordially invite you to the seminar Genome editing using programmable nucleases: current developments by the Czech Centre for Phenogenomics (CCP) and Sigma-Aldrich 9:30 Visualizing endogenous protein interactions and translocation in screening Dr. Rainer Ebel, Sigma-Aldrich 10:10 Genome Editing with the CRISPR/Cas9 System Dr. Rainer Ebel, Sigma-Aldrich 10:50 Gene & Genome manipulation…


05. 11. 2013 Event Information Lecture

Biotechnology and Biomedicine Centre of the Academy of Sciences and Charles University in Vestec (BIOCEV) cordially invites you to “BIOCEV DAY” scientific conference on Tuesday 12th November 2013 from 9:00. Invited lectures by C. S. Rahman (University of Maryland, USA) P. Tomancak (MPI Dresden, Germany) D. Stainier (MPI Bad Nauheim, Germany) S. Kmoch (BIOCEV and…

Invitiation to a lecture by Dr. Anton J. M. Roks

01. 10. 2013 Event Lecture

Invitation to a lecture Dr. Anton J. M. Roks Erasmus University Departmant of Pharmacy Rotterdam, Netherlands “The role of genomic instability in vascular aging” on Friday 11th October 2013 at 14:00 in the seminar room 0.194 (ground floor) of IMG ASCR, Vídeňská 1083, Prague 4, Czech Republic