
Rare Disease Day 2024

15. 02. 2024 Event

29 February 2024 / Raising awareness and generating change for the 300 million people worldwide living with a rare disease, their families and carers. https://www.rarediseaseday.org/ Informace o aktivitách v České republice na webu České asociace pro vzácná onemocnění.

12th European Conference on Rare Diseases and Orphan Products

15. 02. 2024 Event

15 – 16 May 2024, hybrid event / The ECRD is the largest, patient-led, rare disease policy-shaping event held in Europe. By bringing together people with rare diseases and patient advocates, policy makers, healthcare industry representatives, clinicians, regulators and Member State representatives, EURORDIS harnesses the power of this extensive network to shape goal-driven rare disease…

International Day of Angelman Syndrome

09. 02. 2024 Event

15 February 2023, Praha / Join us on 15 February to light up the Czech Republic in blue.

Discussion “Can a rare disease concern me or my loved ones?”

25. 01. 2024 Event Lecture

26 February 2023, Hradec Králové / Come and join the debate on the topic “Can a rare disease affect me or my loved ones?” Why are so few rare diseases curable? Gene and cell therapy – when science fiction became reality. Leading Czech scientists and physicians will discuss current and future prevention and treatment options.…

Open House at Czech Centre for Phenogemics

12. 10. 2023 Education Event

14 November, CCP, Vestec / We offer an 1-hour excursion to the Czech Centre for Phenogenomics under the topic “Phenotyping as a Tool for Characterizing the Expression of Gene Functions and the Importance of Genetically Modified Mouse Models for Biomedical Research”. Structure of the excursion: Free entry, but registration is obligatory. For more information visit…

“The Gene Age” Travelling Exhibition

09. 10. 2023 Event

The outdoor travelling exhibition, together with a website containing an online version of the exhibition, aims to introduce the general public to the basics of genetics and the DNA molecule in relation to rare genetic diseases, their diagnosis and possible treatment in an entertaining way. The purpose of the exhibition is to raise awareness and…

16th IMG PhD Conference

03. 10. 2023 Event

6 October 2023, Institute of Molecular Genetics, Prague, Czech Republic / For more information and a detailed programme visit event website. Federica Gambini from the Laboratory of Transgenic Models of Diseases will talk about novel mouse models to study the pathogenicity of SARS-COV-2.

Seminar on Flow Cytometry (NovoCyte Advanteon)

30. 08. 2023 Event

7 September 2023, Vestec, Czech Republic / Acella in collaboration with the Czech Centre for Phenogenomics invites you to the flow cytometry seminar + hands-on session. Date: Starting on 7th of September, 2023, 9:00Place: CCP, building S002, room 118 (ground floor) BIOCEV – Institute of Molecular Genetics, Prumyslova 595, Vestec.Topic and activity: Flow Cytometry seminar…

5th International Conference on Rare Diseases

17. 07. 2023 Event

30 November – 1 December 2023, Budapest, Hungary / Topics of RARE2023 are autoimmune disorders, palliative care in rare disease, surgical procedures in ultra-rare disorders, and newly approved innovative therapies for genetic and non-genetic rare diseases. For more information visit RARE2023 website.

Czech Centre for Phenogenomics at the Czech Science Fair / České centrum pro fenogenomiku na Veletrhu vědu

26. 05. 2023 Event

8 – 10 June 2023, Prague (PVA Letňany) / We look forward to seeing you at stand No. 43 in Hall 1. / Těšíme me se na Vás na stánku č. 43 v hale 1. Jsme z Českého centra pro fenogenomiku při Ústavu molekulární genetiky AV ČR, které se nachází na kraji Prahy ve Vestci…