
Doba genová – Ostrava

07. 12. 2022 Event Lecture

13. – 14. 12. 2022, Ostrava / Dva dny nabité přednáškami o genetice pro studenty středních škol se konají ve Velkém světě techniky v Dolních Vítkovicích. Přednáška 1 – Geny – jak fungují a jak jsou řízeny (Geny a regulace genové exprese) Přednáška 2 – Genetická onemocnění – příčiny a vznik (Patogeneze genetických onemocnění) Přednáška…

Seminar Gene Age – seminář Doba genová

02. 12. 2022 Education Event Lecture

6. prosinec 2022, Praha / S radostí vás zveme na seminář Doba genová.  Akce proběhne 6. prosince od 17:00 v Historické budově Národního muzea na Václavském náměstí (sál 102). Vstup je zdarma. Jak samotný název napovídá, cílem přednášky je představit laické i odborné veřejnosti tato témata:– Funkce genů a jejich podíl na vzniku genetických onemocnění.– Genová…

2nd ISIDORe project webinar

18. 11. 2022 Event

29 November 2022, Zoom meeting / Advancing Research on Epidemic-Prone Diseases: ISIDORe Calls and Services to Support Researchers


07. 10. 2022 Event

6 – 7 October 2022, Prague, Czech Republic / The meeting of Working Groups and the Management Committee of the COST Action “Improving biomedical research by automated behaviour monitoring in the animal home-cage” took place at the Institute of Molecular Genetics of the Czech Academy in Prague.

Functional genomics at BIOCEV Days

30. 09. 2022 Event

11 October 2022, Vestec, Czech Republic / BIOCEV DAYS 2022, annual scientific conference with poster session. It will be held from 10 to 12 October in the BIOCEV Center. This conference will offer a great opportunity for research communities to connect, to share knowledge, collaborate and learn from others’ experiences. The session Functional genomics chaired…

Radislav Sedlacek in a panel discussion “Ethics and Innovations”

27. 09. 2022 Event

10 October 2022, Prague, Czech Republic / On the occasion of the Week of Innovations, Radislav Sedlacek, director of the Czech Centre for Phenogenomics will participate in a panel discussion on ethics and innovation. The perspective of innovation in the discussion includes the entire breadth of fields: digital technology, cryptocurrencies, artificial intelligence, the field of…

Research infrastructures at the BIOCEV centre in the sights of European Research Area and Innovation Committee (ERAC)

13. 09. 2022 Event Lecture News

On the occasion of the Czech Presidency of the Council of the EU, on September 12, 2022, diplomats from the EU member states at the Council of the EU visited the BIOCEV center. This visit followed the excursion of the informal EU Council of Research Ministers, which took place on 21 July 2022.The aim was…

CCP Course “Python for Scientists”

09. 09. 2022 Course Event

19 – 20 October 2022, BIOCEV, Vestec / 2-day course introducing participants to Python is organized by the Czech Centre for Phenogenomics (IMG CAS). In recent years, Python has become the most popular programming language thanks to a simplified syntax (easy to learn for beginners) and an extremely large ecosystem of libraries and packages. Genomic…

IVIM – IntraVital Microscopy Workshop

24. 08. 2022 Event

15-16 September 2022, Vestec, Czech Republic / Accela in collaboration with the Czech Centre for Phenogenomics organizes a workshop on intravital microscopy (IVIM technology). Explore a technology that enables you to directly observe the movement of live cells that make up living tissue in vivo. With this technique, it is possible to distinguish an individual cell…

Isidore Information Webinar

24. 06. 2022 Event

12 July 2022, Online / 10AM-11:30AM CEST The ISIDORe consortium has recently launched its first call to support research on SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19. It provides free of charge access to more than 300 services from ISIDORe’s integrated portfolio of cutting-edge research services dedicated to epidemic-prone disease research. It will follow in coming weeks with a…