New Czech laboratory for research on lethal viruses
The new state-of-the-art BSL-3 laboratory for work with highly infectious viruses and bacteria in the Czech Republic was opened on 9 March at the Czech Centre for Phenogenomics (Institute of Molecular Genetics of the Czech Academy of Sciences in the BIOCEV centre). When it is fully operational, it will raise the level of Czech research… Read more
January IMCF Picture of the Month awarded to Miles Raishbrook
PhD student Miles Raishbrook from the Czech Centre for Phenogenomics was awarded with the January Picture of the Month. Competition is organized by the Imaging Methods Core Facility at BIOCEV campus . Read more
Fokus na vzácná onemocnění: vzniká Aliance pro výzkum a terapie vzácných nemocí
V předvečer Světového dne vzácných onemocnění dne 27. února 2023 uspořádalo České centrum pro fenogenomiku při Ústavu molekulární genetiky AV ČR s partnery diskusi předních odborníků k tématům vzácných onemocnění v prostorách Magenta Experience Centre na Praze 4. Cílem akce bylo představit široké veřejnosti problematiku vzácných onemocnění z pohledu vědců v základním výzkumu, lékařů a pacientských organizací a vznik… Read more
EU provides grants for cutting-edge cancer research through canSERV
Applications for innovative proposals to harness canSERV´s unified oncology services launches this week. A first of its kind, the largest European-wide consortium of research infrastructures is offering free-of-charge transnational access to cutting-edge services to develop breakthrough personalised cancer treatments. The complexity of cancer requires a multidisciplinary treatment approach, integrating patient- and tumour-specific information at different… Read more
Applications for the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master MorphoPHEN are now OPEN
Human Diseases Models Morphological Phenotyping (MorphoPHEN) consists of an integrated and interdisciplinary Erasmus Mundus Joint Master. It is conceived to alleviate the real shortage of experts in morphological mouse phenotyping, which is needed to generate a positive impact of preclinical biomedicine and improve human translatability (from the bench to the bedside). MorphoPHENis a one-year Erasmus… Read more
Scientists discover rare antibodies that block all SARS-CoV-2 variant
More than ten million sequences of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus had to be examined by an international team of scientists to find universal weaknesses of coronaviruses that do not change even with frequent mutations and the emergence of new variants. Analysis of patient samples then revealed rare antibodies that block all previously known SARS-CoV-2 variants, as… Read more
CCP preclinical services in a nutshell
Are you interested in our preclinical services? Download our latest leaflet with an overview of services we provide to our users in the area of preclinical services. Read more
Thanks to mice, scientists at the Czech Academy of Sciences identified, for example, the gene behind retinal degeneration
The Czech Academy of Sciences celebrates 70 years. Genetically modified mouse models help reveal the causes of human diseases, explains scientist Radislav Sedláček. Just turn off a gene in a mouse and you will learn which gene could be responsible for one of the diseases in humans. In the next part of our series on… Read more
“Gene Age” travelling lecture tour in 2022 – summary report
“Gene Age” is an accompanying travelling lecture series of the AV21 Strategy research programme “Towards precision medicine and gene therapy” In December 2022, the Czech Centre for Phenogenomics (CCP) at the Institute of Molecular Genetics of the Czech Academy of Sciences organized a traveling series of lectures “The Gene Age” on the topic of gene… Read more
ISIDORe new calls for transnational access open
We would like to inform you about a new range of transnational access calls recently launched under the ISIDORe project. These are free-of-charge open calls on specific pathogens and related-services accessible to researchers in the EU and abroad. Details about the open calls are available at ISIDORe website. Find out more about how INFRAFRONTIER contributes… Read more