Taipei Economic and Cultural Office visited CCP
CCP introduced its research and services to the representatives of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Prague on 19th July 2021. We discussed the possible areas of collaboration with the research institutes and industry from Taiwan. We look forward to collaborate in the future. Read more
Visit of Central Bohemian government to CCP
The Governor of the Central Bohemian Region Petra Pecková, Regional Council Member for the Environment Jana Skopalíková, and Regional Council Member for Health Pavel Pavlík visited the Czech Centre for Phenogenomics during their visit of BIOCEV, the joint research campus of the Czech Academy of Sciences and Charles University in Vestec near Prague, on 14th… Read more
New ESFRI Health & Food infrastructures announced
The ESFRI announced the new three research infrastructures in the Health and Food domain to be included in the new ESFRI Roadmap 2021: EBRAINS (European Brain Research Infrastructures) is a distributed digital infrastructure at the interface of neuroscience, computing and technology, offering scientists and developers advanced tools and services for brain research. EIRENE (Research Infrastructure… Read more
CCP provides services under Infrafrontier COVID-19 Open Call
In December 2020, Infrafrontier launched an attractive free-of-charge service for the biomedical research community fighting against the COVID-19 pandemic. The Infrafrontier call turned out to be the most successful open call of the consortium so far. 21 scientific institutions from eight countries applied to be one of the five research projects that an INFRAFRONTIER expert… Read more
Apply now: Embryology, Anatomy, Histology & the Anatomical Basis of Imaging
On 5-16 July 2021, the third course on Mouse Embryology, Anatomy, Histology, and Anatomical Basis of Imaging will take place on-line. The aim is to provide students with basic and expert knowledge to phenotype morphologically mouse models of human diseases. At this course, expert mouse embryologists, anatomists, pathologists and researchers from Europe and the US… Read more
Embryology, Anatomy, Histology & the Anatomical Basis of Imaging
5 – 16 July, 2021 (On-Line Summer Course) The third course on Mouse Embryology, Anatomy, Histology, and Anatomical Basis of Imaging will take place on-line. The aim is to provide graduate, master, PhD and postdoc students with basic and expert knowledge to phenotype morphologically mouse models of human diseases. At this course, expert mouse embryologists,… Read more
ESFRI Open Session on response to COVID-19 pandemic
The 75th ESFRI Forum Plenary was held virtually on 23rd – 24th March 2021. The first Open Session organised as a part of the ESFRI meeting brought together the ESFRI Delegates and representatives of the ESFRI Research Infrastructures to discuss the response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The main focus was put on the activities of… Read more
Bispecific IgG neutralizes SARS-CoV-2 variants and prevents escape in mice
Neutralizing antibodies targeting the receptor binding domain (RBD) of the SARS-CoV-2 Spike (S) are among the most promising approaches against coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)1,2. We developed a bispecific, IgG1-like molecule (CoV-X2) based on two antibodies derived from COVID-19 convalescent donors, C121 and C1353. CoV-X2 simultaneously binds two independent sites on the RBD and, unlike its… Read more
CCP celebrates the Rare Disease Day 2021
The CCP primary goal is to perform excellent research. In the period 2021 – 2030, together with other foreign centers gathered in the International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium we plan to deliver jointly broad-based genomic insights into the function of human genetic variation in both coding and non-coding sequences that underpin future developments in precision medicine,… Read more
We lit the Dancing House blue, hoping for a cure for little Oliver and the other “angel children”, on 15th February
Dancing house blue. It shone in honor of all the “angelic families” who face a difficult fate every day. On 15th February, we celebrated International Angelman Syndrome Day. More than 100 patients live with this rare genetic disease among us in the Czech Republic. The initiators of the event are the parents of little Oliver… Read more