PDX & Cancer Models
- Laboratory technicians:
The samples for implantation or xenografts are placed orthotopically and then the tumor development followed. Mouse tumor samples can then be viably stored in our cryobank in parallel to evaluations in the CCP’s histopathology, haematology, biochemistry, immunology, and, bioimaging units as well as the samples can be analyzed using uCT, MALDI imaging and/or metabolomics approaches. PDX mouse models represent therefore a promising research platform for personalized medicine including pharmacological and metabolic studies. The main benefit is a possibility of in-house multimodal analysis of the models.
Standard services Cancer Cell Line Models, Patient Derived Xenograft and Leukemic Models
(Service provided in cooperation with Bioimaging, Biochemistry and Immunology units)
Irradiation Service – Xrad 320
The X-RAD 320 is a self-contained X-ray system for delivering a precise radiation dosage to specimens (cells, tissue, mice, rats, etc.) in a biological or small animal research laboratory. The shielded cabinet includes an adjustable specimen shelf, sample view window and beam hardening filter holder. The TouchRAD control panel is a multi-user, password protected touch screen interface with a transportable database that can track individual system usage.

Cell Culturing
We provide cell culturing for in vivo studies including leukemic cells. Upon the request, the cells might be labelled to facilitate monitoring of tumour development and metastasis throughout whole study. See Bioimaging unit.
We have direct experience with these cell lines: 4T1, HCT 116, LnCap, MCF7, EL4, OVSAHO, KURAMOCHI, EFO27, PEO4, HME1 leukemic cell lines, MOLM 13, OCI –M2, SKM, NB4, OVCAR8, ID8, HCC38, HCC1954.

Orthotopic CDX/PDX Engraftment, Cancer Model Development and Optimization
- Subcutaneous, Intraductal, Mammary fat pad, Caecal, Subcapsular, Ovary fat pad …
- Intrafemoral engraftment of leukemic cells
- As the partners of the EuroPDX consortium, we are able to expand patient derived grafts for your research, we use NSG and NSG-SGM3 mice.
- On request, we will send you a list of available PDX samples.
In vivo Tumour Growth Evaluation
- Direct measurement – palpation and calliper measurement
- In vivo imaging – please see overview of used markers in Bioimaging unit
- Ultrasound – for more ultrasound application see Cardiovascular unit
- Endomicroscopy in preparation

Animal Health Monitoring
Our day-to-day monitoring the animals allow us to collect important side information to describe and predict of progression of disease and therefore decrease failure rate of clinical trials, improve disease detection studies and customize disease prevention strategies. We commit to a high level of biosafety and sterility to allow us to proceed with long-term studies lasting up to several months without compromising welfare.

In vivo and Aseptic Sampling
Save sampling without additional contamination – blood, urea, cerebrospinal fluid, tissue samples.
For standard necropsy and histology evaluation, please see Histopathology unit.
Viable Cryopreservation of Cell Tumour/Tissue Samples

Statistical Analysis
Study results might be finalised by our bioinformaticians.
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Standard services Preclinical Efficacy Studies on PDX (Patient Derived Xenograft) /CDX (Cell Line Derived Xenograft) Models
Service provided in cooperation with Biochemistry and Haematology; Immunology, and Bioimaging units.
Our goal is to reduce the time, cost and failure rate of pharmaceutical clinical trials.
Model Development
See above Cancer cell line models, patient derived xenograft and leukemic models)
Drug Administration
per os, i.m., s.c., i.v., i.f. , into tumour

Daily Clinical Healthy Control Measurements Including Monitoring of Side Effects of Therapy
Beside of longevity data, we collect day-to-day qualitative data about each animal in the study.
Regular Sampling
Blood collection, urine sampling, stool collection. See also Biochemistry and Haematology unit.
Statistical Analysis
Study results might be finalised by our bioinformaticians.
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Standard services Microsurgery Service
Application of Telemetric Device

Castration of rats, mice and hamsters of both gender.
Tumour re-transplantation
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Standard Services In House Multimodal Analysis
Analysis of samples please see these units: Histopathology, Biochemistry and Haematology, Immunology and Maldi.
For statistical analysis, see Bioinformatics unit.
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Custom services Project Design Consulting
Maximizing the outcome on statistical minimum animals involved in a study due to multimodal approach to save your time and costs to get preliminary data, preparation and leading of robust studies and project licence support.
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Custom services Onco-immunology Studies and Xenograft Studies
Humanised models as translational platforms for immuno-oncology research focused on cancer, allergies and inflammation or Graft versus Host Disease (GvHD).
There are two models CD34+ humanized model for long-term studies for drug efficacy studies and PBMC humanized model mainly used for short-term graft rejection studies.
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Custom services Biobank (Czech PDX Centre)
To expand availability of PDX model for researcher we established the biobank consisting of annotated tumor samples and PDX lines. Every sample and/or line kept there includes anonymised information about the source, microbiology screening and histopathology analysis results. The access to our samples is provided on request.
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PDX Unit was built with the support from OP RDE project CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_013/0001789 – Upgrade of the Czech Centre for Phenogenomics: developing towards translation research and expanded under project CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/18_046/0015861 CCP Infrastructure Upgrade II.