New program of Czech scientists focuses on rare diseases
There are thousands of rare diseases that are often insufficiently researched and for which there is no effective treatment. The Czech Centre for Phenogenomics (CCP), a large research infrastructure at the Institute of Molecular Genetics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, has therefore launched the RD-Factory program, which aims to find out more about these diseases, improve their diagnostics and help find possible treatments. To cover the diseases that most bother patients and their families, the call for disease nominations was open not only to experts, but also to patients themselves and patient organizations. October 28, which falls on the International Day of Rare Diseases, draws attention to the importance of scientific progress in this area.
In the first round, 45 genes and diseases were nominated, which were assessed by experts from the CCP and the Institute of Molecular and Translational Medicine of Palacký University in Olomouc. In the end, the experts selected 11 proposals, which is half more than originally planned. The expansion was allowed because CCP could include some projects into an ongoing program under the auspices of the International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium, which focuses on research of gene function and genetic mutations.
“The selection from nominated rare diseases had several aspects. We selected diseases that are currently not sufficiently researched and are not being intensively worked on elsewhere in the world. We also evaluated whether our expertise can advance knowledge about these diseases and whether the proposal is feasible from the point of view of our research capacity,” explains Radislav Sedláček, Director of the CCP.
List of selected diseases from the first round of nomination:
- ADSL deficiency
- Ctnnb1 syndrome
- Lessel-Kreienkamp syndrome
- MADD deficiency
- Pitt Hopkins syndrome
- Harlequin ichthyosis
- Canavan disease
- Bloom syndrome
- Liang-Wang syndrome
- CYFIP2 developmental and epileptic encephalopathy
- YWHAG developmental and epileptic encephalopathy
The call continues – the public can help too
Rare diseases seriously affect patients and their families. For most of these diseases, there is no suitable disease model on which the onset and course of the disease could be appropriately studied, and which would also allow testing of potential therapies.
“We perceive a significant social need to help those suffering from such diseases. That is why we decided to step outside our purely scientific world and turn to the general public, who can not only inspire us, but can also cooperate with us. Thanks to our many years of experience in discovering gene functions and preclinical testing of potential therapies, we have the expertise and background to be able to investigate rare diseases. We are aware of the great need for research of many other diseases, which is why the call for nominations continues with a second round, which will end in June 2025,” adds Radislav Sedláček.
There is actually proceeding second round of nominations ending on 30th June 2025.