National centre for new methods of diagnosis, monitoring, treatment and prevention of genetic diseases
National Centre of Competence (DIAMOD)

This project (ID: TN02000132, 2023 – 2026) is co-funded with state aid by the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic in the framework of the Programme National Centres of Competence.
The DIAMOD project aims to improve diagnostic quality beyond the identification of mutations in
the genome and to create a base for monitoring of disease progression and therapy effectiveness
as well as for testing and development of cell and gene therapies.
We intend to develop new analytic, monitoring and therapy tools products as follows:
i) development of new analytic tools and technologies to accelerate diagnosis and facilitate diagnostic monitoring of rare diseases development and treatment; development of AI approaches,
ii) development and marketing of digital platform for better patient care,
iii) development of humanized preclinical models to test cell/gene therapy,
iv) development of cell therapy based on NK cells.
Coordinator: Institute of Molecular Genetics of the Czech Academy of Sciences / Czech Centre for Phenogenomics
- Institute of Microbiology of the Czech Academy of Sciences
- Ostrava University
- Charles University
- GeneSpector s.r.o.
- Bioinova, a.s.
- AffiPro s.r.o.
- Macromo s.r.o.
- SPADIA LAB, a.s.
- Carebot s.r.o.
DIAMOD project in the Central registry of projects run by the Research, Development and Innovation Council of the Government of the Czech Republic.